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🌟 會員專享|台灣滿 $1,800、港澳滿 $3,900 享免運

🌕 中秋禮盒 推薦精選

🎁 會員招募|註冊會員即贈購物金紅包,點我領取

🌟 會員專享|台灣滿 $1,800、港澳滿 $3,900 享免運

🌕 中秋禮盒 推薦精選

🎁 會員招募|註冊會員即贈購物金紅包,點我領取

🌟 會員專享|台灣滿 $1,800、港澳滿 $3,900 享免運


2024  外交部|總統就職典禮外賓禮 聯名訂製
2024  外交部|外賓春宴晚會 玉山擴香石禮盒 聯名訂製
2024  Taiwan Given|春季禮品 聯名訂製
2024  雪花秀|頂級會員生日香氛禮盒 聯名訂製
2023  敦煌書局|教師節 香氛禮品 聯名訂製
2023  La Listo|評選為台灣百大當代品牌
2023  台灣君梵|春季禮品 聯名訂製
2023  Bella 儂儂|MIT 高質感香氛品牌
2023  誠品生活|新年開運香氛禮 聯名訂製
2023  10/10 APOTHECARY|大安旗艦店 期間限定販售
2022  好多音樂|聖誕節 香氛禮盒訂製
2022  誠品生活|母親節香氛禮 聯名訂製
2022  台灣君梵|春季禮品設計專案
2021  馥華建設|建案入房禮訂製
2021  La Vie|6月雜誌刊載
2021  台灣君梵|春季禮品設計專案
2021  men’s uno|2月雜誌刊載
2020  LEXUS|VIP 洄瀾拾光訂製體驗
2020  OPEN MUJI|聖誕調香體驗
2020  雄獅旅社|中秋禮品訂製
2020  Franck Muller|VIP 香氛體驗活動
2020  屏東縣政府|屏東檸檬香氛禮品訂製
2020  Breguet 寶璣|VIP 香氛體驗活動
2020  大陸建設|VIP showroom 指定餐具
2020  台灣君梵|春季禮品設計專案
2019  Tsutaya Bookstore Taiwan|門市快閃
2019  元宏建築|貴賓禮品訂製
2018  HANSCHIU x 台北鳥喜 とり喜|台北限定合作
2018  品牌成立




「瀚思」象徵著浩瀚與思考,秉持傳承與創新的理念,自 2012 年便積極投入玻璃工藝創作,以詩意書寫琉璃藝術,致力推動地方工藝再生,耕耘台灣在地產業。






Traditional Crafts with a Fashionable Twist|


Since 2012, HANSCHIU, embracing the philosophy of heritage and innovation, has been actively involved in the creation of glass crafts, weaving poetic narratives through the art of glasswork. Committed to revitalizing local crafts and nurturing Taiwan's indigenous industries.


Among its classic works is the "18 Stars" glassware series, drawing inspiration from lotus leaves to shape home decor utensils with an Eastern chic style. Crafted entirely by traditional artisans, each piece in the series features three-dimensional curves and intricate patterns. When illuminated, these glassware pieces reflect a rich luster, akin to a kaleidoscope, refracting layers of rich scenes through their embossed textures, becoming the hallmark.

關於設計師 Hans Chiu|


Hans 的設計風格帶有強烈材質特色,同時蘊含著東方美學與現代造型,擅長以玻璃為媒介進行創作,2014 年研究畢業系列玻璃創作「混合體」獲選為台灣年度新銳設計,受邀於英國倫敦設計節、日本千葉大學、東京設計師週、台灣設計師週、臺灣文博會等國際展會展出,而後更積極投入玻璃工藝創作。



Hans' design style exhibits a strong material character while also encapsulating Eastern aesthetics and modern forms. Proficient in utilizing glass as a medium for creation, his 2014 research graduation series, "Hybrid Forms," was selected as Taiwan's Annual New Design, earning invitations to showcase at international exhibitions such as the London Design Festival, Chiba University in Japan, Tokyo Designer's Week, Taiwan Designers' Week, and the Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Expo. Subsequently, he became even more actively involved in glass craft creation.




請您將【具體提案說明】來信到 admin@hanschiu.com


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